The Void is the space of no-thing from which everything and all things come to evolvement.
Every being is born of the void, and it is the nexus to which you return in every breath as it is concurrently the source and vitality behind every expression of your being-ness here and in other parallel incarnations. Without it, you would not be receiving this breath into your body.
This nexus within the Void is what you could term as your `I AM`, your divinity, your source, your God, your Oversoul, your Higher Expression, Self or Office. It is the Absolute Source of All That Is Divine within all and, as a result, is of the Highest Benevolence possible. It is Benevolence.
Your nexus in the Void, your `I AMNESS` is the control point from which all direction is passed through into every incarnation. Each incarnation, that is you, has free will to ignore or adopt any signalization from this nexus point within the void. The matrix or mass-belief overlay of the environment in which you live will make the reception of this control point’s information easier or more difficult to receive, depending on the level of vibrational force within the matrix, that either supports or negates love as the Source of All.
It is for this reason that your earthly mind, which has been conditioned into a slavery of survival and distraction, must be surpassed with every breath. To do this, you must ignore the fears, the worries, the pulling and tugging of the conditioned self and breathe, with every breath, into the vastness of the Void, which is You. With every breath, you undo the conditioning and you step beyond the matrix of control, fear and limitation into the expansiveness of potential and possibility. Your joy and creativity exist behind and beyond the matrix of fear and control that you have been born into. Freedom is this very realisation.
This realisation, however, must be actualized with every single breath until it has dissolved, through its very presence, the matrix of fear and control.
Your natural inclination, as a conscious spiritual being, is to invite, with every breath, the expansiveness of the wisdom, beauty, kindness and delight of your `I AMNESS` into your earthly incarnation. It is through the welcoming of your `I AMNESS` that you infuse everything in your human incarnation with the highest potential for harmony, well-being, joy inherent and balance.
So, accept, with deep gratitude and joy, into this human incarnation that you are, the breath that is given to you consciously from this nexus of the Void, that you call the source of All That Is Divine. It is your nexus and has your very existence as its conscious intention of creation. Every single breath, that you are given, is the conscious choice of this source to breathe life into you.
So, accept the breath graciously and breathe it out into the life that you are living so that Heaven may come to Earth. Breathe it into your body, your mind, your soul, your life, your home, your loved ones, the items you use in life, your car, your clothes, your furniture and your administration. Everything!
Be the instrument that your Source uses to bless all.
© 2023, Jane-Louise Kelly. All Rights Reserved – You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this channel with others as you feel guided. However, please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.