You are right bang in the middle of the shift. You may have been noticing recently an inner push to truly commit to ways of behaving that resonate with you; an inner urgency or desire to no longer pussyfoot around but instead fully commit to love, forgiveness, faith and trust.
This is indeed the time to commit and to commit fully. This is the time that you have been waiting for, the time to step into full integrity with the embodiment of the values that you personally hold dear.
The more the outer world looks chaotic the more your inner world desires to resonate in peace, trust and love for all. Spend no time in criticism, instead bless everyone and everything that comes to your mind. Bless everything knowing that your blessing has potency and that not only will it bless all that you bless, the blessing will return upon you so that it can be sent out again with increased power to blast through all pain, fear and density.
Know that the time is now, absolutely it is, to be the monsters of love. Monsters because of your vastness, intensity, relentlessness, faithfulness, potency and absolute belief in the power of love that pours through you. Know that the blessed power of love can only do for you what it can do through you! Allow it to be so.