March 17, 2023 The Voice of Non-Duality

Part 5: You are the full sunshine.

This channel just confirms beautifully how important it is to be without fear and judgment.

Listen to the audio recording:


The transcript:

The Voice of Non-Duality: You are the full sunshine, not just the beam. Why limit yourself just to one beam, when you can radiate out from the fullness of the expression of All That You Are? It is time now to stop deferring, handing the responsibility over to another. We are all together in this. There is no gradation of knowledge. There is no hierarchy of knowledge. There is actually no `knowing more`. There is just being open or closed.

What closes you, yes? Fear will do that, yes indeed. You sometimes enjoy the fear, for it gets the heart beating a little faster, it makes you feel alive in a sort of sadistic way. If you can look for the feeling behind the fear, you will see that you are sort of getting off on it. You are indulging yourself in a cheap form of entertainment. It is like fast food. It is fast and furious but it leaves you feeling a little ill afterwards, yes. Catch it as soon as it comes up. You will notice it. You will see it. What else closes you? Judgment, judgment, judgment, yes!

You will notice that judgment always comes from thoughts. Sometimes those thoughts will have fed from an emotion of discomfort or feeling ill at ease. But you will notice that it comes from the mind, from the brain, from your head. And once it starts, it will feed off itself for it will..

Jane-Louise: mm, interesting

The Voice of Non-Duality:… it is like these thoughts are… have you noticed certain situations where people will start a conversation and then look to others who they think will engage in that type of conversation? Thoughts will do the same, they will look for each other. They will find company on the same level as their expression. And so, they will congregate and you will hear it get louder and louder, this particular conversation. Thoughts have that form of identity and they are looking for a double, triple, quadruple form of their identity; a reflection of themselves. The moment to catch this, is before, before it is even expressed. For you see, in your reality, should you say something to one person, you can be sure that it will pass on, pass on, pass on to many others. It is exactly the same process in your mind. Once you have that thought, it feeds off itself. It sets off a whole chain of reaction that amplifies as it moves forward.

So, just decide to be without judgment, for judgment brings drama. Judgment brings chaos, judgment stops the flow of well-being, even and especially within your physical beingness. For everything in your physical beingness, in this body vehicle of yours, is desiring to serve you for your highest potential. And so, if you declare out loud that there is something about you that you do not like, it takes it personally! So, be grateful to your physical body for all that it does for you as the expression that you are. It is allowing you to be here and express. Be deeply grateful to it. For it is doing countless services to you every millisecond of your existence in selfless service, for often you are not even noticing nor are you grateful. So judgment and fear, yes, they are door closers. They are the two major ones. It is enough to be aware of these two.

And what opens you, is knowing that you are a radiant sun, firing off solar flares, blessing, kindness, compassion, empathy, joy, love, delight, laughter, ease, generosity. You are this raging ball of fire of love, that is turning slowly and firing off these flares of blessing and love. Do you know, dear one, why we have chosen the sun? Because who would dare to come so close to the sun and do it harm? Nothing can approach the burning flame of love that the sun is without getting tinged by its flares of love. So, welcome it all. Let it come as close as it desires, for it will feel the heat, yes. And for those desiring to be heated, they will feel its radiance. Do not doubt the power of the radiant sun that you are. We will not even tell you to shine bright for you do not know how to do otherwise.

If you desire to converse we are open. The lines are now open!

Ciaran: Would you like to talk to us about portals into different realities?

The Voice of Non-Duality: No, because from where we are, this is not a reality. When you create portals, you are like the old-fashioned telephone operator, yes, that had to pull out the connection, talk with the person and then put it back into this very complicated grid of connection in front, yes? Are you familiar with the image?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: This is like a portal player. Yes?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: There is no need. Your technology, your advancement is beyond this complicated electrical board. Yes?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: The sun shines. It fears not. It does not have to play in wormholes or in… climb through tunnels. It just shines. It just shines. It does not complicate things. Just be in its radiance. Do not restrict it with either fear or judgment of anything, most especially of yourself and your physical form. Just know that you are the sun shining, that everything you need to have or to understand is available at all times and in all ways. This portal-playing is a little like children playing hide and seek. They are hiding from the one that is there to find them, yes?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: You no longer need to hide or to fear being found, hmm? Simply shine bright. You cannot do otherwise but fear and judgment they close the curtains, yes? They close the curtains, yes, they close the curtains on your radiance. They are….it is like it is a very beautiful blue-skied, shiny, radiant, joyful day and, when you invest in fear and judgement, it is like you are in your sitting room and you close all the curtains and pretend that it is a very cloudy, dark and depressing day, when you could be outside playing, enjoying, being content, happy, fulfilled and at ease, yes.

Next question please.

Ciaran: So, going into our fear and realising that we are getting something from it and dropping all judgment, are the two major restrictions to our shining bright. In dropping those, all our rays of the sun flow with ease in every situation we are in without any forethought or expectation and it’s a flowing, a beingness of shining what we are all the time without fear or judgment of anything. I understand that. What… mmm, it’s just a case of doing it. I was going to ask you another question there and I thought it was of no value…

The Voice of Non-Duality: Did you judge your question?

Ciaran: Well, I realised that my question… yes, I judged it and decided it was of no value.

Will or how will this understanding that Jane-Louise has of merging all our lifetimes together after the solstice in March 2023 affect us or will it have any material effect, since we are choosing to shine naturally to all we come in contact with, including ourselves? What difference will it make, if any?

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, you see, dear one, we put you in a difficult situation, for you were shining your light and we suggested that you ask a question. Can you feel that the question arises from a place that is other than your full radiance?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: And that the question, although suggested by Jane Louise prior to this conversation with us, is a question that carries with it a little sense of grasping, yes?

Ciaran: Yes, of less than.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Of?

Ciaran Corr: Of less than.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Exactly, of.. indeed, indeed a feeling that you are not already whole and complete as you are. So, we would tell you in answer to your question, that you are already whole and complete as you are but you will have the joy of watching that knowledge, that knowingness, that completion play out. Yes?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: And yes, it is imminent. It is playing out. But you see when the sun shines its light upon the Earth, it has the joy of observing its effect upon the Earth. It sees the flowers’ petals open in response to its light. It sees all the intricacies of nature responding to the energy of the sunlight. It sees all the humans turn their faces like sunflowers to its light, and it is the same for you. There is nothing more to complete. It is just now for you to watch it play out. So, sit back and enjoy. Do sit back and enjoy. Make sure that you are not on the edge of your seat. Sit back and enjoy for, from this place, it is easier to observe. Be as much in this place of observation as you can for then you do not get caught in the swirling tornadoes unconsciously, and when we speak of tornadoes we mean the small and the bigger dramas of life. You see when those people that need you come to you, they are wanting a moment of sunshine. They are wanting to know that it is safe for them to open the curtains to see that it is a beautiful day and to have the courage to open the door and walk out into that beautiful day.

Ciaran: I see that. A question within me asks, “it really is this easy to shine fully, to be our natural selves in this ever present moment with everybody and everything and particularly ourselves?”

The Voice of Non-Duality: Well, the sun does not question who it shines upon or what it shines upon. It just is.

Ciaran: Just being.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Even when you say the word ‘being’ it is almost like you are having to decide to be. It just is, so cease to question your ‘is-ness’.

Ciaran: Language is challenging in this arena.

The Voice of Non-Duality: But also fun, don’t you find?

Ciaran: Yes, yes because as I ask the question, the answer demolishes it.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Or is absorbed into it.

Ciaran: Yes, yes, a more apt and beautiful way to say that.

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, imagine if you are the sun going to answer your door to somebody. The sun would not question its way of shining nor would it question the amount of heat it radiates, nor would it question its revolutions, its movements. And yet, in the steps that you make towards opening the front door of your house you have already questioned; how am I looking, how is the house looking, who could this possibly be, what do they want? And most of this, unconscious. You can also be excited about who is at the door but can you see that the sun does not question anything. It just evenly radiates its love, its light, its heat constantly regardless of what it is shining upon.

And so, dear ones, we are going to put the phone down now but we look forward to the present of receiving more communication. There has been a beautiful sharing; mutual and enriching and our gratefulness expands this moment.

And so it is. We thank you and we receive your thanks.

Ciaran: Thank you for your expansiveness.

The channel ends.

Ciaran: Wow. When I was asked for questions, I didn’t have any.

Jane-Louise: I know.

Ciaran: I didn’t want to ask any. It was complete and sufficient in and of itself and it felt like rummaging around a cupboard that was empty.

Jane-Louise: I know and they knew and I knew. But thank you so much for doing it because they were my questions really.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Jane-Louise: Yeah.

Ciaran: It was interesting how they replied about the portals.

Jane-Louise: Fascinating, I love it.

Ciaran: Yeah, it’s almost like, don’t waste your time with that. The only thing that matters is shining…

Jane-Louise: That’s all that matters.

Ciaran: …your truth.

Jane-Louise: And that’s what I was feeling intuitively. But it’s… because it clutters up the mind, you know you get into, oh, have I opened a portal, have I closed a portal? Where am I? It’s so much more simple.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Jane-Louise: And you’re so protected because of the heat of the sun of love.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Jane-Louise: Just radiate it out and whatever wants to come to you send it back to the light.

Ciaran: Yeah.

Jane-Louise: You don’t, you don’t even have to do that.

Ciaran: Exactly.

Jane-Louise: You’re just radiating out this love.

Ciaran: And that’s the, the understanding of… it’s that simple and there’s, there’s not even any thought in it. It’s just coming back to the restriction of language and the questions come out of the mind, and when they come out of the mind, it comes out of separation, looking for a bridge into this other when we’re already there.

Jane-Louise: That’s it.

Ciaran: And it’s… I’m going to try and frame this. It’s like all …we don’t even have to do anything. It’s like it arises out of knowingness and nothing else, that we are God, and that we are love and that’s what we bring to everybody and everything, including ourselves. We don’t have to do… we don’t have to do anything!

Jane-Louise: I love the example of walking to the front door.

Ciaran: Yes. I love that. Yeah.

Jane-Louise: It’s extraordinary the conversation you have with yourself before you even get, you know, those five or six steps to that front door.

Ciaran: Yeah. Wasn’t that a lovely conversation?

Jane-Louise: Amazing.

Ciaran: So simple, so profound and I’m thinking the next time we have a conversation, I don`t have any questions.

Jane-Louise: No, I don’t even want to talk when I’m in that energy. They really have to, you know, again, it’s so delicious, I feel like I’m just floating in space.

Ciaran: And every time I started a question the answer came in and I was… what are you at, you know? And even the judgment of the value of the question?

Ciaran and Jane-Louise: Laughing.

Jane-Louise: It’s really lovely.

The content of this audio is for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease.  No express or implied guarantee of results is made. Participating in any meditation may come with a certain level of risk and each person’s body response to these various activities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. If you are currently being treated by a doctor or other healthcare practitioner, or have been diagnosed with any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing, modifying, or taking part in any treatment programme, including meditation work. Jane-Louise Kelly expressly disclaims any liability of any kind or nature relating to any person’s use of the content.

© 2023, Jane-Louise Kelly. All Rights Reserved 


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