What is there to share please for this beginning of the year?
The year two thousand and nineteen has been rung in and as your New Year enters it is interesting to watch as you launch into the resolution-making up of a new you, a better you, a more impressive you than last year, which was just three days ago.
This New Year resolution-making is somewhat amusing as truly we see that in every moment you are breathing into yourself a new you. Each breath brings with it such a wondrous new opportunity to breathe fresh oxygen, life and perspective that we find it frankly bizarre that you hold yourselves to such finite `New Year resolutions`. You approach your new year as if it is all to start and finish from here; you will finally this year have that amazing body, that dreamed-of job, tackle the 5-year plan.
Don`t you see that you are already the sum parts of every breath that you have taken upon this wondrous journey called life? And you will continue to partake of every breath that life gifts your being, whether you do that consciously or unconsciously. We would suggest that you simplify all resolutions and forward-planning and instead enjoy as many conscious breaths as you can.
You wonder why you enjoy holidays so much and, as they come to an end, why you begin to tighten as you prepare yourselves for `getting back to it all`. It is because you move from letting go to tightening up and with that comes a familiar feeling of stress; it is simply a tightening.
Get back to the ALL by becoming conscious of your breath as it enters and exits, watch it inhabit your being with newness. Every breath carries with it another beginning, an entry point into simplicity and well-being, peace and serenity, no matter what you are `doing`.
However life presents itself to you, give flame to your inner fire with the conscious breath and watch how this illuminates your heart, your mind, your creativity, your health, your joy and simplifies your tasks.
We are with you in every breath you take. Peace to your hearts.