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The transcript:
The Voice of Non-Duality: This body, this physical body that you are on Earth; just for a moment, humour us and imagine that it is this blob of clay. For, in truth, this is what you are because you know that when you die, this physical body shall return to the earth. It shall become again mud, earth. So, what is it that makes it alive, that brings it into full animation?
It is the whispering, the infusion of breath. It is the creative power. It is the bellows of the Earth, that animate this blob of clay and allow it to breathe, that expand it, allowing it to recover in contraction, that expand it again, allow it to recover in contraction, to expand it again. And every time you breathe, dear ones, you have this opportunity to animate, to bring life to this inanimate object, which is your physical body. It is your life force, that is bringing animation to it. So, can you see, that with every breath, oh, you can choose life or you can choose death?
Jane-Louise: Oh my goodness, yes.
The Voice of Non-Duality: Death is imagining that you are not this creative power, that you are not this fullness of you, that you are not this divinity, that you are not this pulsating ball of energy, that is penetrating every cell of what truly should be an inanimate object. Can you see then how every breath is already a miracle, but every breath is already a statement from the `I Am` that says, `I am breathing life into you`?
Why, we ask you, would this incredible power of `I am-ness` not consider you to be the most worthwhile creation, its most exquisite piece of pottery? Why would it breathe life into you, with every breath, if it was not completely, fully invested in your ultimate beauty, in the creation of the most exquisite piece of pottery out of a blob of clay. We ask you?
When you identify yourself with anything less than the perfection of your being, you are refusing the gift of life that is breathed into you with every breath that you are given. You are not sent here into this Earthly incarnation to trip up, to make mistakes, to be a form of entertainment for your higher realised Self. That is not how it works. You have been sent here by your Self, your greater Self so that you may remember the power, majesty, divinity, expansiveness, beauty, kindness, generosity of your `I am-ness` and welcome it with every breath that you take. For that breath is your `I am-ness` breathing into you. If your `I am-ness’ chose not to invest fully, with absolute love, into every breath that you took, you would no longer be here.
Every breath, every breath, we tell you, is a conscious gift breathed into you with complete love from your `I am-ness`.
That changes things somewhat, does it not?
Ciaran: laughing.
The Voice of Non-Duality: And yes, that changes the very breath, because instead of wanting to do your breathing, you are receiving the gift of the breath that only the `I am` can give you. And so, can you see that your suffering comes when you think that you do any of it by yourself?
You are the animation of your `I Am-ness`.
So, know yourself to be your `I am’.
And so it is, and it shall continue to be.
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