Easy goes it all. You must know that everything has its allocated time. That means that every little detail is really working out in the most perfect way. You call it divine-timing, we call it being in the flow of trust.
When you trust that everything is working out in exactly the right way it frees so much more energy up for you just to be and to bear joyful witness to the unfolding.
You tighten and stress when you think that things absolutely have to be done in a certain way to get you to where it is that you think you need to go. Be clear in your heart about your true destination but be fluid in how you imagine it working out. Leave that up to the magic of the universe and then you shall become a spectator of magic synchronicities.
When synchronicity shows up you take that as a sign that things are working out for you but then you stop the flow by jumping onto this one synchronicity and wrestling it to the ground as if it is going to be the one and only bit of magic that is to flow to you.
Allow the magical flow of synchronicity into every day and every aspect of your life, appreciate it deeply when it appears and allow it to fuel your sense of magic and awe and gratefully expect more of it. Stay open to magic, keep trusting that your desires are coming true in the most divinely beneficial way imaginable for all.
There are only solutions, resolutions and freedom on the menu. If you choose to see that that is truly the way of life, life will, in turn, become the most delectable feast that you can imagine.