So day two of my 48-day cleanse and already my body is showing appreciation and relief. My diet before this cleanse was already 99% vegan and plant-based but the amount of increased hydration and mineralization I get when I am following this cleanse creates an immediate shift. I am just more connected.
When I did the Anthony William 28-day healing cleanse from Medical Medium last summer I did it for my liver and now I`m doing it for my whole body, with special consideration to my thyroid for the next 30 days.
So, I was tuning into my body this morning as everything has consciousness, right? And, it has given me a whole new perspective with its very straight-talking.
Basically, and this will probably be expanded upon, but I am beginning to understand that I am not my body, but that we, that is my soul and my body, are in a perfect symbiotic and sacred relationship that thrives on absolute and total mutual appreciation, love and respect…
I knew that in my head but now I`m really beginning to feel that right down into my toes.
And so, I asked:
Dear body, how do I practice non-judgement with regard to you?
And, in answer:
At last, at long last. We`ve been trying to sound out your negative thoughts but some cells got wind of what you were saying about us and took it to heart but don`t worry your new message of hope, self-acceptance and actual appreciation of us, your body, and what we do to keep you enjoying and relishing this experience called life, is getting through.
We have to work together sis, that`s the deal! We have to stick together, so if you want to enjoy life to the fullest then you have to take me with you for the ride. So, let`s make friends again. I`ve always been faithful because my job is to keep you fit, healthy and happy for that`s my calling and ultimate task, but your emotional field can slow things up and your negative or limiting beliefs about yourself filter through too and then, on top of that, the environment in which you live is not always favourable to the highest form of functioning possible, so we are rejoicing that you are giving us the chance to do a spring clean and get you functioning at 100% again.
Speak nicely to us, every part of us, especially the areas that are dimpled and unshapely in your eyes, those are the parts of you doing the most work to keep you healthiest. It is your body`s desire that you shine in all parts of your being, so keep doing what you`re doing and we`ll get there together.
And, when you see the parts you don`t like please send extra love there, not admonishment. 😊