April 15, 2023 The Voice of Non-Duality

Part 5: Accessing the heart space.

Many thanks to Ciaran Corr for this conversation which ended up yielding clear instructions on how we create and why and how to access the heart’s wisdom for everything.

Listen to the audio recording:

The transcript:

The Voice of Non-Duality: You see, there is so much frustration in the human mind because it would like to feel that peace, but it believes that that peace must come from somewhere else. It does not realise that it is as basic as deciding what it is that it wants, sending that signal, that message, that command outwards and then receiving the return of the message, signal and command back to themselves. This is the meaning, that nothing can come to you from without, it always comes from within. So, can you see that, if you say something with frustration, “I am not getting what I want! I am not getting what I need!” What is the signal that you have radiated out? It is frustration, it is impatience, it is ingratitude, it is tense, it is stressful. And that is the message then that has gone to every cell, into everything. For every thing and event is simply made up of cells of creation. And so, they have all received that message and they are simply radiating it back to you.

Ciaran: So, every single thought we have, creates?

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, with varying intensities, may we say.

Ciaran: Depending on our feeling behind it?

The Voice of Non-Duality: It is more than a feeling, it is literally the signal. So, that signal is what you are commanding. So, you could be pretending to be joyful but truly the command has come from a believing place of lack. So, the command is the purity of your intention. The command comes from a place of knowing. So, can you see that the purity of that knowing must align with the beliefs that you have?

Ciaran: Yes, and that knowing comes from what?

The Voice of Non-Duality: The no-thing-ness (Ciaran laughs), the nothingness, for when you are in that nothingness, it is not affected by erroneous beliefs or distorted realities. So, in fact, come into nothingness now and notice simply what arises and give words, if you can, to what is arising. This one is experiencing expansion, peacefulness, vastness. And so, there is no need in this space even to dislocate, analyse and break down your erroneous beliefs or distorted realities. You take the West link ((a bypass that surrounds the city of Belfast) and you bypass them and you go straight to no-thing-ness and the vastness of your no-thing-ness radiates out as the signal of absolute pure unadulterated potential, you see? And then, dear one, anything could occur (laughing) but it will be of the highest potential, that you must take our word for. Are you following?

Ciaran: I think so.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Do not think, feel, move into the heart. The heart thinks also. Move into the heart of thinking or the thinking of the heart. This is too much for the mind.

Ciaran: Could you describe that knowing as coming from our divine consciousness, for want of a better description?

The Voice of Non-Duality: It is everything, it is All That You Are, it is the access, it is the highway to everything and all things, and no things, all at the same time. It is what you could call God, the divine order, the nexus of creation, the all and nothing, all at the same time. And when we say the no thing, it is because it is pure potential.

Ciaran: Yeah.

The Voice of Non-Duality: It can become anything, anything!

Ciaran: But it only manifests from pure knowing.

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, you are getting a little caught with the word `knowing` because, from your human mind, it makes you feel that there’s something more to attain, that there is more knowledge to be had. That is not what we are talking about. This knowing is already who you are and you find it in the no-thing-ness of your consciousness. In other words, it is when you let all limitations, all barriers, all proclivities, all desires, all aversions, all wantings, all presumptions, all judgments; they just disappear into the vastness of no-thing-ness and the best way to access this is through your heart. It is like you access a vast eternal space of nothingness out of which all potentials are possible. So, you see, instead of living your life in a linear form where you decide you think best about all courses of action and you spend countless hours, moments, seconds imagining the best course of action to bring you the happiness that you seek, you see, you’re spending all this time imagining what will bring you pleasure from the outside-in when the whole time it is for you to be the signal, the command and the messaging outwards from yourself of that happiness. And when you do this from that space of nothingness within, you send the signal of happiness and expansion and joy out from a space of pure potential where it has no limitation, no specification but will be utterly perfect in its out-folding. In short, the command must come from you, it cannot come from anywhere else.

Ciaran: And it must come from the heart space and not the headspace.

The Voice of Non-Duality: It must come from the heart space for the headspace would have its own specifications, preconceptions, judgments and analysis of it which would preclude it from being, in any shape form or fashion, pure potential, you see?

Ciaran: Yes. So, the heart expresses its desire and lets it be because it commands it to be so and the mind does not jump in to specify how it should manifest.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes.

Ciaran: Okay.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes. Now, in doing so, this will panic the mind.

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: And as a result, interestingly, because the mind is a little panicked, it will also send a message to the rest of the physical being. Yes?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Which is why you experience fears or anxieties but the heart’s mind is more powerful a signal than any other signal that the mind of the brain could ever give. For the brain, the mind of the brain is somewhat burdened with the mass beliefs and ingrained behaviours from all of your lifetimes. It has got, how could we say, somewhat stuck in its behaviour whereas the heart-mind is directly sourced and connected to All That You Are, what you would call your divine consciousness, your divinity, your All That Is, and so, it bypasses, like the Westlink, all of the, yes, the distractions and the turnings off of the mass belief overlays. In other words, the heart is the direct connection to your true intuition, to your true source, to your absoluteness and, as such, is much more viable. It is faster, it’s more efficient, it’s easier and so much more full of extraordinary potential. It is without limit.

Ciaran: And if you were to advise on the simplicity of access to this heart space, what would you suggest?

The Voice of Non-Duality: Do not make it complicated, do not make it complicated.

Ciaran: So literally, use my intent to enter the softness of my heart space and sit in the nothingness there.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes and through the breath. The breath is your access to expansion but it is simply a conscious breath. So, it is bringing your attention to this energetic heart space, feeling into the expansion of the breath when you bring your attention to this place and then allowing it to open as you so choose. And then, once it is fully open, through your intention to open it, step into it. Take your whole physical being and step into it. And then imagine it as you so choose. But you will feel its expansiveness and then, from there, be confident and assured that any signal that you send out is valid.

Ciaran: And that validity is determined by the loving intent? It cannot be any other way?

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, it will not be possible for those that are not of a loving intention to access this point for they will not have the humility to do so. But it is not precluded for anyone. It is your birth right: it is just for some, the mind and their head will prevent them from doing so.

Ciaran: And as you suggested earlier, living from the heart space is more viable than living from the head, more immediate, more pure, more…?

The Voice of Non-Duality: It is simply who you are.

Ciaran: This loving consciousness, that is.

The Voice of Non-Duality: This pure potential. You have been restricting yourself by working through the head alone.

Ciaran: And the command aspect comes from our God space, our infinite divinity knowing that it creates anything it so wishes?

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes.

Ciaran: Rather than the from the mental mind?

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes.

Ciaran: And that is a feeling and a knowing of that.

The Voice of Non-Duality: It is a completely natural way of doing things for you, that you have forgotten.

Ciaran: Yeah.

The Voice of Non-Duality: You are simply remembering. Ah and when you truly begin to remember, what fun that shall be!

Ciaran: And of course, my obvious question would be, how can I accelerate that remembering?

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, there is no need for the acceleration, you have just remembered.

Ciaran: Ah, that I am.

The Voice of Non-Duality:  Yes, but it is like what you have already been told in previous messages; you are either on or off. You are either for or against. You are either …

Ciaran: … here or not.

The Voice of Non-Duality: You are either choosing to be or choosing to be not. And although this may sound dualistic, it is simply like a light switch. You are either in the heart or you are not.

Ciaran: So, it is a conscious choice each time.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Each time with each breath that is being given to you.

Ciaran: Wow.

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, dear one, would you like to choose pure potential, or would you rather choose limitation (laughing)?

Ciaran: No argument (laughing).

The Voice of Non-Duality: And yet, you all argue most of the time.

Ciaran: Because we are not in our heart space.

The Voice of Non-Duality: No, you have simply been trained out of it and you have continued the training. And so, it is time to reverse that form of education. It is time to retrain the conscious connection to your heart space, to pure potential and the no-thing-ness where there is no judgment, fear. And you will notice that when there is no judgment or fear, all of the other elements of shame and guilt and restricted beliefs and distorted realities shall dissipate on their own.

Ciaran: So our retraining or our undoing of our education is to constantly remember to be, to become, to be conscious, to be here, to be within the heart space again and again and again and again until it becomes our default.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, there are just two points that we would like to highlight in what you have so correctly said, this word `undoing`. Do not spend any time in undoing and…for it shall, and we believe this is what you meant, it shall undo of itself.

Ciaran: Yes, I get that. Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: And do not spend any time thinking about being conscious (laughing). And this is why we tell you simply to bring your awareness to your heart through your breath, for then you do not engage the mind. For that is also a great point of consternation and frustration for many souls because they are trying to access the heart through the mind. The mind must acquiesce to the heart. And so the only way to do this is through the breath. So, you breathe into expanding that whole heart space and before you know it, you shall be there.

Ciaran: And that heart space is expansive, it’s soft, it’s gentle, it’s loving, it’s easy.

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, we would tell you that it is the highway to all of that. It extends out through and behind your spherical beingness.

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: It connects you to All That Is and All That You Are. Your physical being is simply the endpoint. It is like the ticket collector at the end of a tube ride. You know these machines that you must push through to leave the underground, this vast highway of interconnecting stations? In many ways, it is similar. Your body is that finality of the journey. It is the booth through which you access all of this interconnectedness of life. This metaphor is somewhat limited in that you are ambulant but this physical beingness, that you are, is the access point, yes?

Ciaran: Yeah.

The Voice of Non-Duality: You are the access point to this vast, vast, vast, beyond vast network of life, of buzzing life, of information, of intricate complexities of existence, of All That Is. This is, your physical body through your heart, is your access point. So, grab your ticket, take the journey, take the journey. It will be much more pleasant than any tube ride that you could ever imagine (laughing). Obviously, there is no comparison, for, yes, it has an overriding implication for all that you see and all that you do. It is like living in quantum when you are so used to living in the linear expression of yourself, where you are always wanting there to be, through the linear, a final equation. If I do this, I will have that. If he or she does this, then I will have that. You are always living in these equations; if I behave this way, then maybe they will behave that way back to me. And in that linear way of life, there is so much stress and anxiety because you feel that you are having to control the other side of the equation to get the result that you desire. Whereas, when you are living from the heart and that pure potential, ha, it is a win-win for everybody and everything in your existence. There is no equating. There is just abundant perfection for everything that you would bring and express through this space. It is difficult to find words to express the vastness and the perfection of it all.

Ciaran: I had an image coming in of the mind taking us to the terminus of the body and just looking in one direction forward. Whereas, if we stop and turn around and go into the space of the heart and into the sphere surrounding us, then everything is open in all directions.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Beautiful, beautiful, absolutely. Can you imagine then, the shock somewhat to your nervous system, when you are… you have been trained like a horse that has blinders on that is only able to see in specific directions, when it turns its head? Then, you become this spherical being that is able to see behind you, around you, feel around you, feel everything surround you.

Ciaran: Wow.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, there is no comparison between the two ways of living. So, can you see the importance of the conscious breath?

Ciaran: Yes, totally.

The Voice of Non-Duality: And it does not matter how many breaths in you take or out but it is the consciousness, that you are bringing your attention to. You are training yourself again to being present in the heart. So, do not limit this heart space to being within uniquely the physical body, it is not. It is that highway to this immensely intricate network. It is like when you put that ticket through the ticket booth, and the doors open or the little slides open to allow you into that whole network of the underground. This is so much more majestic, cleaner and more pleasant, but you get the image you are getting access to intricacies and complexities beyond what you could ever imagine and solutions to all forms of problems that you can imagine. In fact, nothing is a problem in this space. In the truth of who you are, everything is potential. Everything has potential. Can you see how this would change your view on all things in life?

Ciaran: I do.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Because you tend, and we don’t speak to you singularly, you as you plural, all of you, you tend to think if I could just clear up these certain things, then I would have time to be spiritual (laughing), which is why we teased you a little at the beginning when you mentioned this word `spiritual` as if it has to be something that is by the by, when you have time for it, yes? Can you see that then you are limiting all of those problems and things that you are seeing to and having to do, you are depriving them of quantum solutions?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: This one who speaks is knowing this too and seeing the futility sometimes of many actions. So, take everything, every one and place it actively in this heart space. Bring it into the no-thing-ness, the nothingness, the void of potential. Make your statement while you are there. Do not make your statement from the mind. Make your statement from the heart so, to do that, you are going to have to breathe into the heart space. You are going to have to know that you are there. Imagine your whole self, mind and all, in the heart space, and then any so-called problems or issues that you have, take them with you into that space and leave them there in pure potential.

Ciaran: I like that.

The Voice of Non-Duality: But feel the command of that nothingness. Can you feel its expansion? Can you feel its neutrality? Can you feel its largeness? And yes, if you are experiencing emotions around events that are appearing in your life, take those emotions and place them also in this expanse of nothingness and watch them dissipate. Keep placing them there, breathing through your heart space and watch them be absorbed by the void of your love, for we have already told you that love is not dualistic. Love is the void. It is the force of neutrality, yes?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Can you see that we are adding to our previous teachings?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, you may notice when you put particular issues into this space, you may note that your physical body is reacting to them too. Do not panic in this situation. Just know that the mind has been feeding the physical body with a vibration of worry. Yes?

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, when you notice this, take the body and all that you are feeling within the body and bring it all into the heart space. And now this is the moment to consciously send out the signal that you are sending out from that no space, which is one of peace, neutrality, ease, gracefulness, expansion. So, send out the message from the core of your heart space and watch it return. It comes back very quickly. It comes back so quickly that you think that you are feeling what you have sent out as a signal but you are actually feeling what is already returning to you as a reflection of the signal that you are sending out.

Ciaran: That instant?

The Voice of Non-Duality: That instant.

Ciaran: Yeah. Wow.

The Voice of Non-Duality: So, this becomes much easier for you, much simpler for you do not have to worry about imagining the perfect outcomings. For they are already taken care of through pure potential and will outcome in ways that you could not ever have imagined. Good.

Ciaran: …which saves the mind worrying about outcomes. (laughing)

The Voice of Non-Duality: Exactly, which saves the mind from getting involved at all.

Ciaran: Yeah, yeah.

The Voice of Non-Duality: For you will notice that to go to the mind and have to work that way will be burdensome, tiring…

Ciaran: …laborious…

The Voice of Non-Duality: Because it just does not have that same vastness, and so you will always feel a little physical even, limitation, tension. That is what tension is; it’s a physical limitation.

Ciaran: Hmm.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Hmm, indeed (laughing). Wonderful.

Ciaran: Thank you.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, yes. You have a lot to work with…information.

Ciaran: And a lot of fun?

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, indeed, indeed. Did we not mention? Thank you for the reminder. The fun shall be also exponential without limitation in its potential. The magic; this is true magic.

Ciaran: Yeah.

The Voice of Non-Duality: This is the magic that you are all seeking.

Ciaran: And we can put not only anything but we can put everything into this heart space of nothingness.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Please do, please do.

Ciaran: Yes.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Hmm-hmm..

Ciaran: Wow (laughing).

The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, we feel that we have said enough for there will be much practice that is required but ha, the results will be so satisfying (laughing). Hmm-hmm. Wonderful, until we meet again, dear one, we thank you.

Ciaran: And a deep heartfelt, thank you.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Mmmm, we have received it fully in our hearts, fully in our hearts for that is all that we ever do.

Ciaran: Well, we shall aim to catch up on you (laughing).

The Voice of Non-Duality: We are all one and the same, dear one, one and the same.

Ciaran: I know.

The Voice of Non-Duality: Ah, no, there is much truth in what you have just said. What you feel in your heart will be felt in that whole network?

Ciaran: Yeah.

The Voice of Non-Duality: No, you say yeah, but we are saying YEAH (laughing) for your joy shall be ours. Your expansion is ours.

Ciaran: Thank you.

The Voice of Non-Duality: That is a conversation for the next time. Wonderful, wonderful. Thank you, thank you.

Ciaran: Thank you.

The content of this audio is for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease.  No express or implied guarantee of results is made. Participating in any meditation may come with a certain level of risk and each person’s body response to these various activities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. If you are currently being treated by a doctor or other healthcare practitioner, or have been diagnosed with any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing, modifying, or taking part in any treatment programme, including meditation work. Jane-Louise Kelly expressly disclaims any liability of any kind or nature relating to any person’s use of the content.

© 2023, Jane-Louise Kelly. All Rights Reserved www.jane-louisekelly.com 

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