This is part two to our previous conversation with the Voice of Non-Duality, entitled `Love is not in opposition to anything`. Both channels were several months apart and it was not our intention to do a follow-up, but the Voice of Non-Duality had other plans. Many thanks again to Ciaran for his wonderful questions and interactions.
Listen to the audio recording:
The transcript:
The Voice of Non-Duality: And so, let us continue on the theme that we have already established for this one that is speaking, she is very aware that she is having to absorb the droplets, that have arisen from the depths within her, back into her depth. So, the last time that we spoke, we spoke of all of these experiences that are registered high up here above the heart chakra, really in the upper chest area. Those are the experiences that create the feeling of, for her, choking; a somewhat unpleasant experience that has arisen in her life that needed to be seen. And so, now as she breathes deeper, to be able to connect with this vibration of energy that is speaking through her… ah, she lowers her breath and the droplets then re-descend into the depths of her being. This is the perfect example, dear ones, of absorbing the fullness of the experience in life. Breathe it all in.
We would say, do not try to figure it out. For in figuring it out, you are constantly dancing with the droplets of water that have arisen from the depths of your experience. Return always to the depths of your experience. And when we mean the depths of the experience, we are talking about this lowest part of your breath, this low, slow breath. You can feel the depths of the river and the slowness of its movement through you. You can feel the drama of any lived experience fall back into the depths of the river within and be absorbed into the fullness of you.
And this is the key, for you judge yourself for experiences that have occurred. That is your trip-up point. You are judging yourself for having been exposed to something that is distasteful, that is difficult for you to accept. Yes, can you imagine your greater God feeling distaste while he looks at humanity? It is the same for you; absorb and adore and embrace all experiences into the fullness of you, into the God of you, into the unconditional-ness of you; the unconditionality; the lack of judgment; the no-judgment, absorb it all in to you. Rather than see it as some sort of failing on your part, see it as rich learning.
It is only the small part of your ego, and when we say ego, we are talking about any attachment that you would have to the image that you would desire to portray of yourself. That is all that ego is. It is an invested image that you are creating because you believe that image to be acceptable to all. That is what your ego is. It is an investment into your image. You are your own marketing consultant. You have decided, based on beliefs from your childhood and from society at large. Your beliefs are supporting what you believe to be acceptable in the eyes of others. And so, that is the image of yourself that you desire to portray. That is what you are attached to. That is what you are attached to. And so, when we talk of nothingness, that is your opportunity to enter into a no-zone area in which you are letting go, through observation, also through practice, you are letting go of any attachment that you would have to an image that you desire to portray. Yes?
Ciaran: Yes.
The Voice of Non-Duality: So, that is the value in this meditative space of nothingness. And you can acquire this space of nothingness through activity as you have both seen this week, whether that be canoeing down a river that is so serene and calm, that you move into this place of nothingness or it can be in that meditative state as you work or scythe the grass with that repetitive motion or it can be when you sit in silence with yourself and allow all of the façade that you create, based on notions that are dictated by external façades to you. It is time, it is time to dismantle these external façades and simply allow the fullness and completeness of you to express itself and re-express itself in every moment thereby surprising you, delighting you, yes, for you are an ever unfolding expression and re-expression of love and your stage is your very physical being-ness that is the vehicle through which you experience and simultaneously express the fullness of you. Yes, we can feel you relax into that. So, we would tell you, dear one, that is speaking, your hiccup is your attachment to what you believe you should be. It is that simple; this should be a delightful revelation to you.
Yes, we hear your question. Should you dismantle this manufactured image of you, piece by piece? We would say no, no, for that is a thankless task. We would suggest that you just continue to find activities that take you into this `no space` where `All That Is`, is. We would encourage you to continue with activities that give you the space to be, and when we speak of being we mean where you do not have to manufacture answers, where you do not have to live up to a certain notion of behaviour. And this is as simple as having that intention. You have now had several experiences where you know this space of nothingness, this space of expansion, this space where it is almost like you are being lived rather than having to live in a specific way. It is like life just pours through you and delights to be within you, delights to express itself through you. You know how that feels now. So, you know to let that come to you, to let that come to you, yes. You are beginning to decipher very clearly the difference between `doing` you and `being` you. Yes, `doing you` is such hard work, it is such an effort. And what’s more, it feels like you are having to project yourself frontwards as if, as if you are in a group of people and you are saying yes, `this is me. Accept me if you will. I fear that you might not, but here take this version of me`. Whereas, when you are truly being, you do not care one iota what anybody really thinks of you. You are just in that space of the full expression of you and it is such a delightful experience, that it overflows and affects all of those around you, without you having to project or push anything forwards out of you. Yes.
When you find yourself desiring to retreat because the company does not feel safe or does not feel inviting, in fact, it feels like everyone is desiring to project this manufactured image of themselves upon each other, and you are overwhelmed by this and desiring to retreat from it: we would say, allow yourself to retreat but to retreat into the expansion of yourself. So, watch yourself come into this space, embrace yourself in this space and do not speak or project anything, until you have filled yourself with this space of being-ness, delighting in it. So, if you must, sit quietly and enjoy being with you, for it is this point, from this point that everything changes. This is your signal point, your point of signalization to the world at large, to the universe that you inhabit, to all that surrounds you: I am well within my being, I delight fully in my being. I love being in me and with me. And then, watch how things change. But do not do it to change your outside environment, do it because that is the only thing to do in any situation, is to love being you.
Just love being you. There are no other mysteries. This is the one truth. Enjoy being you. The End (laughing).
We will humour you though, if you have questions, dear one.
Ciaran: I have been thinking about the question of how to embody Christ Consciousness within, more and more.
The Voice of Non-Duality: We have just told you how, in complete sincerity. For the Christ is not some sort of external energy to be embodied. The Christ is breaking through into the fullness of you. So it is coming into complete joy, ecstasy even, bliss, surrender, acceptance and embrace of the fullness and the completeness and the incompleteness of you.
Can you see that this is what Jeshua did even when he was on the cross? He fully embraced the `failure` of being crucified on the cross. He loved it into the fullness of himself. He was able to see himself as love even as he was being nailed to a cross. This was the only way that he was able to resurrect himself, was to come to the complete acceptance and surrender of his finality in this expression. It was through this perceived finality that he resurrected any notions of being incomplete. We do not suggest that you take the same path, dear one (laughing).
Ciaran: I`ll take your advice.
The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, but for you all, it can be a much more joyous discovery. Thanks in part, to this beautiful gift that your Jeshua gave you. But if you listen closely to what Jeshua says, then you will know that this is an inner job. You are here to come to the fullness of the love of you. Jeshua, as the Christ, can help but truly, you become the graduate when you do it by yourself. And you know how to do this, you know how to do this.
We are still open to your questions. Hmmm, we have left much to think about.
Ciaran: I notice the difference between getting caught up in the world and then breathing into the Dan Tien and then settling into stillness, into nothingness, where there is no thought but just a sense of expansiveness of existence. In that space… I suppose what I’m trying to say is, that is the space of Christ consciousness, where nothing but love exists, where everything is unqualified and nothing needs to be done. And I wonder, as thought comes in, to be loving, to be kind, to be generous, to be abundant, to be gentle, to be joyful, to be blissful, to be happy, all of the divine qualities, it is almost as if that is the bridge between the two.
The Voice of the Non-Duality: Rather than having a bridge go from one to the other, we would suggest that you have the image of a sphere and just embrace it all.
Ciaran: Explain that more to me.
The Voice of Non-Duality: So, rather than desiring to have emotions that would bridge one reality to another, we would suggest that you bounce along in this sphere of being-ness that is accepting of everything. It is a continuation of what we said in our last discussion, for to be truly content and at ease in this environment upon Earth, it is necessary to embrace everything, no matter how you perceive it. So, what we are asking you to do, both, is let go of any perception that you would have and embrace all of it into the love and the compassion that you are. For there is this tendency to desire to reach whatever it is that you are desiring to reach whether that be love or as you call it, Christ consciousness or the Absolute. When you have that desire, to pull towards, to go towards love, in that motion, you are already creating a duality. Can you see?
Ciaran: I can, yes.
The Voice of Non-Duality: And this is what we discussed the last time. So, that is what we are feeling when you talk about the bridge, yes, the bridge is almost a gap. Whereas, we are saying, you are the sphere into which everything is embraced, even being nailed to the cross. Yes?
Ciaran: Yes.
The Voice of Non-Duality: So, to be joyful, to finish just this analogy, bounce around like a sphere, a very joyful bouncy sphere that embraces it all into the fullness of the love that you are.
Ciaran: So, experience everything with a complete absence of judgment in the fullness of everything we encounter?
The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes.
Ciaran: Yes.
The Voice of Non-Duality: But we would rather that you say embrace all into the fullness of love that you are.
Ciaran: Yeah..
The Voice of Non-Duality: But do you hear the difference? For again, there is a form of duality when you desire for you to have the absence of something.
Ciaran: Ah, yes.
The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes? It is like the word that we used the last time or that you used, acceptance. Yes, there is a passiveness in the word `acceptance` and there is a form of duality in this idea of being `absent of judgment`. For when you are full of love, there is no place for judgment.
Ciaran: Yeah, yes.
The Voice of Non-Duality: So, these are nuances but important ones for you now. For there is no need for the duality: love, evil, judgement, love. It is all a sphere of love. And even when we hear you use this idea of Christ consciousness, it is almost like it is a separate philosophy, and these are only semantics but the Christ consciousness is simply this expansiveness of divine love. Yes?
Ciaran: Yes, totally.
The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, and this will stop you also from externalising any desires to be or become something…
Ciaran: Yeah.
The Voice of Non-Duality:…other than what you think you already are. As if the Ciaran must disappear and become Christ. The Ciaran is Christ in expression, he is the crystallisation of the fullness of love onto himself and all that he inhabits and all that inhabits him (laughing). That is something you need to breathe right into…
Ciaran: (Laughing) I am absorbing it.
The Voice of Non-Duality: Yes, breathe it into your sternum, dear one, into your sternum.
Long pause to breathe.
Ciaran: So, in one sense, I am both the individual and collective expression of love?
The Voice of Non-Duality: There is only love. We hear… so, when you say this, we hear that you find that there are unacceptable parts of you, as if, and every human is in this difficulty, the one that speaks also. You tend to think still that there are unhealed and somewhat unacceptable aspects of you that do not deserve Christ consciousness or that are just not quite at that level. Oh, this is very deep for you both. We are going to have to breathe through this one, yes? We ask you both to bring your awareness right down into the very centre of you, so your Dan Tien.
You both still carry this idea that you are sinners and that you have been tainted by original sin, whether you are conscious of that or not. There is still the belief that is running through these deep waters, ah, it has been anchored into your very cellular being, that you are unworthy. It is all tied up with this mass belief that somewhere you have gone wrong, somewhere you have sinned, and that you must repent, repent, repent until you can call yourselves `Christed`. And it is linked to the idea of the crucifixion in that Jeshua did this for the sins of all. But Jeshua`s experience on the cross was not to undo the sinfulness of his humanity nor humanity at large. He desired for it to be seen that love traverses all terrain easily, effortlessly and beautifully, and that love is the transformational tool that is given to all.
Good! It is unlocking a little. This energy point, just below, three fingers below your navel, right in the very central part of your being, central to your front and back and sides of your torso: connect it now actively to the core of the Earth. Feel it send out its energetic light through the Earth’s crust, through the soil first of all, through the dirt and the depth of the soil, in through the Earth’s crust and right into the molten liquid core of the Earth. Feel it anchor there and, in return, it sends energetic light the whole way up into your physical being. From this point below your navel, then allow it to move into the back of your being, of your physical being, into your spine and allow the heat and light of this core of Earth to flow all the way up into your spine, right up into the base of your brain, and then through the core of your brain right into your pineal gland. And as a result, watch your thymus enliven. Your pineal is your master gland. It will now give information to the rest of your physical body.
You are one whole being. Do not waste any time by wanting to be different than you are, by reaching philosophically higher, for a place higher than where you currently are. Expand continuously into All That You Are, and all that you need will show itself to you, and all that you need to know will be clarified and revealed to you. In short, dear ones, enjoy your life, enjoy being you. Enjoy every moment of the unveiling, the expansion and the delight in being you in expression.
We delight in you. We delight in being with you. We delight in expressing through you. We have left you now with this energetic gift arising from the core of the Earth. It is bringing you into the fullness of you. You are leaving behind cellularly this notion that you are somehow unworthy.
You will soon reveal to yourself what non-sense this is. Enjoy the discovery. We love you so, for you are the love that we all are. Delight in the love that you are. Delight. Be Light. Be easy. Don`t try so hard. And it is so, so it is.
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