Today in Ireland, 1st February, is the Celtic feast of Imbolc and the celebration of Saint Brigid.
May I speak with the energy of Brigid?
And so, I enter your aura, dear one, you can feel the strength of my beingness, your chest expands a little more to breathe in the full scope of the entity that I am.
Time is short and there is much to be done. I am relying on the goodness and the service of those that have been drawn to emulate my own service. Let me explain what I gave my time and energy to:
First of all, I cared for my family, my siblings and my parents. I did my work without complaining and even took pleasure in the fact that the chores were repetitive so that my mind and heart could reach heavenwards while my body automatically did what it knew to do in the repetitive daily tasks that I was required to do. When my thoughts reached heavenwards, I had no time to complain. I found such repose and happiness in these heavenly thoughts that inhabited my mind and my being. I was often accused of being a daydreamer. This did not trouble me for I knew the sweetness of my own dreams. And I dreamed of one thing and one thing only and that was to be as close to my Lord and God as possible in thought, word and deed.
Secondly, I was deeply connected to the Earth and all things, creatures and beings earthbound. I felt such bliss in nature. I felt its every move and transition, and although the elements were harsh, I felt stronger through their effect on me. I would become all the more enlivened by the cold winds and softened by the rains. Again, I never complained because I saw these elements as the dutiful nature of Earth tending to all its plants and animals.
Thirdly, I would give any free time I had to contemplate life and Heaven. I would transport myself to vistas that I could conjure only through my mind, thanks to my imagination. These places would seem fanciful but would be more real to me than the reality of my daily existence and I required these moments of solitude to nurture this freedom of imagination that ignited my very soul.
Fourthly, I knew even then that I had to help anyone or anything that came to my notice or came specifically for my help. I did everything I could to help those around me simply because that gave me pleasure. I had always the feeling that God was acting through me and needed me to help his own dear children and so I was always attentive to see how I could be of help in any situation that called to my attention. This often got me in trouble but because I was doing the work of God, no trouble was too much for me. To ease my soul, I would always take myself to a place of contemplation so that I could again hear the call of God deep in my heart.
And so, dear ones who would call on my wisdom, my experience, my courage and my passion know that for you too these qualities are to be honoured, coveted and nurtured. Come to me and I will show you the way. This is why the cross is so closely connected to me for it reaches out in all directions; left, right, forwards and backwards. Love reaches out in all directions, in all times and in all ways. It is without restrain, without condition, without restriction and most definitely without creed.
The love that I shared on this island is still there for the taking. Rise up women of strength, courage and vigour. Come together in love, service and a deep sense of collaborative sisterhood. Help one another always and find strength in your togetherness.
I am with you always and wish to work through and with you always.
Your sister Brigid.