Magdalena is a master of the breath. Before I am even able to channel her, she asks me to meet her in the chamber and I know then to connect deeply with my breath. As she says in this channel of our connection to the breath, `in it you shall find your expansion, your vision, your purpose, your clarity and your healing…can you meet it with the same desire to receive as it has to give?`
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So, find your connection to your heart, dear ones. And it is not complicated, it is just a question of becoming conscious of your breath and slowing it down consciously until you notice it breathing you. Ah, as you notice it breathing you, you are in surrender of the control of your human mind and then you are allowing your joy and your love to reign superiorly upon all things. And in this movement of surrender, you become connected to all that you are, all that is and to the exponential power of divine love. So, breathe with me now slowly and deeply until you are aware that it is your breath breathing you, dear one.
Can you feel your physiology relax in this moment of time when you begin to trust that you are being breathed? The more that you can trust this breathing of you, the more you shall trust the out folding of your life. Everything shall begin to present itself to you without you needing to grasp or search or run after or wrestle to the ground what you think you need. Is it not a much more delicious way of being? It is certainly much more relaxing for your physical body and yet your mind desires to question the sanity of such slowness.
`However, dear one, will you get anything done`, it says? And you say, `dear mind, we are moving into a new way of being. Be not afraid for I am all that I am in this place. You can relax. Everything that I need is coming to me. I shall know exactly what to do and where to go. And when it is no longer clear, I shall simply know that I have tried to control my breath again`. Yes, the mind wrestles a little with this. Even the physical body questions this change, but just come incessantly back, patiently so, to allowing the breath to breathe you. For now, I shall tell you that this breath is God itself inspiring you, inflating you, embodying you. You are playing with God. Watch the God rise and fall. With every breath it desires to animate you.
Even after a distraction simply bring your awareness back to your awareness of the breath. Can you see and feel how effortlessly it desires to meld with you? This is God, Love unconditionally wanting, wanting to inhabit you again. It breathes into you, calling your attention to it. Can you meet it with your attention, with the same desire to receive as it has to give? Notice now the places in your physical body that are wanting to grasp on a little. Simply allow the breath or God into these spaces now. Those spaces that feel sore and in pain and are a little tight have simply atrophied a little in the lack of receiving the full breath, the full space of God. And for some reason, whether it be a criticism of yourself or a judgement that you have placed upon yourself or a fear that you have allowed to tighten its grip or any such limitation, that has prevented you consciously or indeed subconsciously from welcoming the fullness of love. For when you judge yourself, you believe that you are not worthy of God’s love. And so you tighten, but I tell you, as you do truly know already, there is nothing that is not worthy of the influx of God’s love, nothing I tell you, absolutely nothing.
So, more than ever, breathe into the tightness without needing to know why it is there. Simply breathe into the tightness, for as you do, you are allowing God, Love to enter. Love is God. God is love. Love loves Love and desires to reach into every aspect of you, every corner of all of your being, every cell of your physical being, every layer of your emotional, mental and spiritual beings. The vastness of you embraces you now fully into love, into the love that you are. You are simply returning all that shied away from this love through shame or guilt. You do not need to know its origin, its reasoning, its logic or its whys and wherefores. You simply allow the breath to breathe you, into every part of your physical being. It is good, it is sweet and it is true. Come to this practice daily, dear ones, countless times daily. In it you shall find your expansion, your vision, your purpose, your clarity and your healing.
I am Magdalena, the Lady of Light and I light you up with my love and my blessings. We love each other so.
The content of this audio is for educational and informational purposes only. The content should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any condition or disease. No express or implied guarantee of results is made. Participating in any meditation may come with a certain level of risk and each person’s body response to these various activities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. If you are currently being treated by a doctor or other healthcare practitioner, or have been diagnosed with any condition or disease, please consult with that provider prior to changing, modifying, or taking part in any treatment programme, including meditation work. Jane-Louise Kelly expressly disclaims any liability of any kind or nature relating to any person’s use of the content.
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