Listen to the channel audio recording:
Mother Mary`s energy is so beautifully slow and meditative, and she is really calling us to work with her, now more than ever.
Lie back and listen and let it penetrate you.
The transcript:
The Power of Prayer
I join here through the purity of your hearts. You know me. I am the mother of your heart, the mother of the son, the mother of all those who pray to me, offering their petitions at my feet, gifting me with their love and their faith, praying earnestly to me in the hope that their prayers will alleviate the sufferings of their brothers and sisters. Such pure hearts call onto me.
I embrace you all, Mother Mary as I am known. I desire to speak to you about the power of prayer. Many repeat the prayers that are known to me, but what I hear is the longing, the yearning in the heart for peace. The words in the mouth are simply an action, repeating words that have been honed over centuries of prayer. Truly, my beloveds, what I hear, above all, is your yearning for love, your yearning for peace, your deep compassion for your brothers and sisters. Your desire that they live in peace, that they live with the joy that is latent in their souls and in their hearts, that they get to sing and dance and play. These requests, these desires, these yearnings which are part of your angelic being are heard in heaven.
I am not known so much for my words, but I know that the gentleness of my spirit clothes your soul, strengthens your resolve, nurtures your faith, gives you hope. And so, I ask now, the same of you all. Give hope, share your love, be gentle in your spirit with yourself, with all those in your household including your beloved animals, especially, for they hold so much unconditional love. Nurture your inner spaces, your homes, make them the heaven and haven of peace and welcome. Live in harmony with your surroundings, loving, cherishing and nourishing all things. Move from one occupation seamlessly into another, knowing that everything is an offering of love, upon the Earth.
Be in service through your very presence, for each one of you is a present given onto the present moment here and now. As you bring the full beauty of your presence into every moment, it sends out a vibration of peace, not only in this world as you know it, but beyond into the farthest stretches of the Universe. You believe that Ukraine is far from you, but it shall receive only the first wave of this tsunami of love that you can choose to radiate from your heart.
Let us work, dear ones, I call you to my heart not so that I call you away from your own but so that together our hearts can magnify, extend our love to the farthest regions of the Universe. Let us send wave upon wave of the purest vibrations of love, so that all my children will remember that that is what they are; seeds of love sown, hewn and birthed from absolute love.
You are my soldiers of love. You are not in battle, nor are you raging against an enemy, but you are conscious of the greatest weapon in the world, the most potent. For love, in its purest form, dissolves all fear, all hatred, all control and all forms of separation. Let these waves of love emanate from the centre of your being, the hearth of your soul, your sacred heart. Open now this portal of love and allow the love, that you have been birthed upon, to shine out so that all can remember this love from which they are all birthed.
I know what it is to suffer, especially as a mother. I ask you specifically now to radiate with me the eternal love into every mother’s heart;
the mothers that have no more food to give to their children,
the mothers who are watching their sons go to war,
the mothers who are caring for sick children in the most difficult of circumstances,
the mothers who are burying their loved ones,
the mothers who are comforting all the members of their families with courage and conviction and faith.
My heart embraces them all, but you, my soldiers of love, I ask you now to unite with me, in your hearts, so that this tidal wave of love may be felt even more potently upon the Earth. Do not despair, do not lose hope, for love is ever encompassing, ever more potent, ever more efficient, and always, always surprising. Pray with your hearts, send the love that you were born from, to the ends of the Earth and beyond. Know that as you sit where you are sitting, your heart can reach out and touch your brothers and your sisters. Do all that you can to help but know that with every thought and with every prayer you are touching another. I ask you to allow your prayers to fall upon the victims as well as the perpetrators without judgement, without positionality. They are all the sons and daughters of love, trying to remember how to return to the love that they are.
This, dear ones, is the only path upon which you all tread. So, bring each other home to the love that you are. Walk with each other. Bring each other home to the love that you are.
©2022, Jane-Louise Kelly. All Rights Reserved – You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these channels with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.