Oh, it became so clear to me this morning that I am pinching off my joy!
We are so glad that you received our message so clearly. You are fearful of joy because you have programmed yourself to believe that if you experience too much joy there could be a payback in sadness for all the joy that you have dared to feel.
What?!!! Really? Have I done that?
You can`t quite believe that it is possible to live in joy all the time. You tend to push joy to a certain future time. It is just a little behavioural habit of yours. For example, Mondays in your mind are not meant for joy. Monday is a back to work day; even if you love your work you sort of gear yourself up for a Monday-feel to the day, and you get all serious about your to-do list.
Oh my goodness!!
So, guess what? Wake up ready to search for your joy in all things. Whatever is showing up for you, enjoy it all. Enjoy the administrative conversations on the phone, dance to the music when they put you on hold, boogie your way from the kitchen to the office, kiss your husband twice instead of the usual once before you say goodbye for the day, put the music on when you`re stuck in traffic and smile at the person beside you.
FEEL JOY ESPECIALLY when your mind has decided that it is a joyless activity! Just be content to be alive in a world that is having to train itself back into the joy that is your divine birthright.
Believe us when we tell you that you will miss Earth when you return Home because there is nothing quite like creating JOY in times and places you do not believe it possible to experience.
We joy to be with you!