And so, you may feel that you are currently in a washing machine being tumbled about but really all that is happening is that you are being washed clean of anything that would hold you back. You may get a little soap in your eye but really this is truly a very beautiful and sacred time for all, should they wish to accept it as such.
Finally, you are getting to climb off this fast-spinning merry-go-round. You were all searching for the next best thing in whatever domain that might be: sport, spirituality, creativity, pleasure, adventure, work, travel, challenges. Now you have been stalled in your unbridled search for the next best thing and are being required to be at peace with what is. That is very difficult for some because you prefer to be distracted so that you do not have to look at what is.
But we tell you that there are wonderful advantages for the soul to sit still and fully embrace everything: the chaos, the calm, the love, the fear, the sickness, the healing, the sense of brother/sisterhood as well as the sense of solitude and loss. You are experiencing all of these dichotomies together and that can feel quite derailing. However, if you let go and embrace it all, it will be most revealing.
Much unity, kindness and brotherhood will be expressed more than ever over the coming weeks. Great creative minds are getting the opportunity now to see clearly and be inspired.
Support all of this hidden development by having hope rather than fear, anticipation rather than dread, faith rather than desperation. Now, more than ever, it is time to be kind to yourself and to others but more than that, be a beacon of calm hope. All is well.
Your Higher Office.