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Open your hearts dear ones, for it is I here, Jeshua with the complete Christ Council to join with each of you. We allow the emotion in this one that’s speaking to settle a little; our reunions are always so emotional, yes, because, dear one, you are remembering the love that you are.
Somehow, I have become a symbol of this love when that love is what ignites your heart like the gaslight in the boiler of your home, it is always lit. And yet when the requirement of more energy to pour through this gas-powered boiler comes, the flame ignites even more with greater potency, so that the whole house is heated. It is exactly the same for you, dear ones, your heart flames are being asked to ignite larger, larger to encompass all of the fear that is now raining down upon the Earth.
But like all fears, when they are fully embraced, they allow you to break through, break through into vaster meadows of enjoyment, peace, expansion, freedom. There is a yearning, a calling within the collective here and now for freedom. It has been translated as freedom of borders when truly the freedom that is being called on, yearned for, is the freedom within your heart to be completely and expansively `All That You Are, All That You Are` . And `All That You Are` is love, is joy, is beauty and yes, all of those shadow emotions, but your love is overarching. So, anything that is lacking in love is called to love so that you may love it into greater love.
There is one unique way forward, there are no others. It is by expanding into your love, into your love and in… more into your love. You have a tendency, innate to the human form, of believing that certain things are too huge to be tackled. Let us name it: World War, total chaos, conflict, the demise of the natural world, the loss of all biodiversity, Mother Earth struggling. All of these seem somewhat overwhelming, yes?
`What can I do? `, you say, and yet look at the legacy that the Christ Jesus left upon the Earth, for I simply learned to let love lead the way. I learned to let love be what I spoke, what I thought, what I felt. I left no room for criticism of myself or any other being. I left no room for judgement, for I knew, in every part of my being, how addictive the human nature is. I became, healthily and consciously, addicted to love and love alone. I trained myself so that every thought, the next thought, the thought after would fall into the well of love that I became. I became the receptacle of love and so, there was no need to change or modify anything that I saw around me. There was no need to wish that it was different. There was no need to condemn what I saw as wrongdoings.
I simply became the well of love from which I drank with every thought, with every word, with every action.
And so, you see, to belittle yourself in any way is simply the refusal to drink from the well of love that you are. Drink from it now, allow its sweetness to pour down your throat. Feel the residue of sweetness as it descends into your heart. Let it pool there, and dive and swim in your own love; yours, yours, not mine or anyone else’s but yours, yours.
Here it is that we are one and the same, for we are bathing together in the love that we are. You can feel, while residing here, that there is nothing else. Everything else is truly made up because when you do not reside here, you require distraction from the pain of not being here. Once you reside here then you can easily embrace anything. And what’s more, the entire Universe joins you here, for here is where `All That Is` resides… in your hearts, in your hearts.
As you break through the frontiers to your hearts, there shall be no further frontiers required on Earth. You shall see each other as walking hearts, each with its own particular wrapping. Abide in this place and this place alone, for here we are together in the crystallised heart, a heart of light, the light of Christ, the divine light of love and love alone. What else is there? What else is there?
Remember everything else is but a distraction from the pain of being separated from what you truly are. Do not try to figure it out, out there, for then you are like a puppy following its tail, you shall end up in an exhausted heap. Return to the heart where there is no need to understand the whys or wherefores; it simply is.
This is truly the only home you require, everything else comes to serve at the feet of this heart that you carry around. I kiss the feet of the heart that you are. You will always, always find me here. I cannot follow you in your distractions, but I never, ever leave your heart.
©2022, Jane-Louise Kelly. All Rights Reserved – You are welcome to share and distribute these channels with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep this article as it is and in its full integrity by including the author & source website link.