The only way to feel resilient and harmonious at this present conjuncture is to actively, consciously and practically be the love that you are…..
Question: I know that I am love and I will do all I can to allow that to radiate through me but there is a large part of me incredulous and angry at the injustices of our time, that are so driven by power and greed. I am so grateful that there are some courageous eloquent politicians at the forefront speaking for justice, compassion and kindness but the opposition seems so strong. I am also fearful that if Trump reneges on the Paris agreement that it will be too much for our dear Mother Earth. What can I do in situations like this?
Answer: We hear you and feel your pain. It does not go unnoticed and we sense equally the escalation of potential for the shoe to drop in either camp. There is the playing out, on a macro-level, of a balancing act between choosing kindness, collaboration and cooperation over self-seeking, power-grabbing and intimidation. This is ultimately the choice between love and fear.
Those in fear believe that the only way forward is to grab what they can for themselves as they believe in lack and feel it is necessary to snatch what they can for themselves at the cost of the well-being of all. Those acting out of love know that the way forward is challenging but they believe that there is enough for all and through collaboration, cooperation, creativity and compassion we can create a world, that is just, beautiful and abundant for everyone and everything.
You are people of love. Even under the most arduous and painful of situations the human spirit rallies and shows compassion, kindness and love. This spirit is stronger than you believe and it will ultimately vanquish anything less than love and truth.
The only way to feel resilient and harmonious at this present conjuncture is to actively, consciously and practically be the love that you are. Give way to traffic. Say hello and smile at everyone that passes your way. Speak kindly to everyone in your household, including yourself and your pets. Tend to your garden and caress your plants and trees.
Be love. It all counts.