On Wednesday evening the wonder-ful Elaine Johnston phoned me to say that she had dreamed that we’d gone together to Saint Brigid’s well in Kildare. As I just happened to be leaving my son close to Kildare the following day I knew I had to honour the dream and visit Brigid. What a beautiful pilgrimage.
I stopped first at the Solas Bhride centre and walked the labyrinth.
Message one: it is a long windy road but keep following the path, and it is in the ‘getting there’ where the fun is to be had.
The lovely nun who showed me round their beautiful ecological centre blessed me with holy water and then asked me to bless her! I made the sign of the cross on her head and with all my heart said, ‘God bless this woman.’
Message two: We are to love and bless each other as equals.
Message three:
When I got to the well I was told that we are to work together. We are to collaborate freely and openly in all we do, learning from and sharing with others. Whatever our gift, now is the time to share it.
After the well I visited with another very beautiful friend who I have never heard speak unkindly about anyone. As I travelled back up north I felt the weight of our divided culture and the weight and discomfort of my own judgements. Yesterday evening I came across the book ‘The gentle art of blessing’ by Pierre Pradervand and this is my greatest learning from Brigid.
Message four: It is time to stop judging and replace it with blessing. Judgement hurts us all. Blessing brings healing to us all.
So Brigid is our calling to reconnect with all aspects of nature (big time and now!!) and our calling for the transformation of violent and judgemental thought through the gentle but deeply powerful art of blessing and service in action. Sisters and brothers loving and supporting one another.
Thank you Brigid. ❤️🌷❤️