The energies of reformation are intense presently. This is not to be feared but to be simply acknowledged. You may be finding it difficult to concentrate on certain tasks at hand. Your heart is calling for your attention. It is calling for you to breathe into the fullness of yourself. This is as much a process of acknowledging your heart as it is to help you be present in your present. Give presence to your presence. Shower yourself with an inner rainstorm of love.
You are in the tricky process of learning to live without outside proof or acknowledgement of your goodness or worth. It is now your singular task to breathe that goodness through you to the tips of your fingers and your toes. Become the nurturing mother to yourself, hold yourself as you would your own child, kiss the top of your head fondly and squeeze yourself tightly to reassure yourself that all is well.
You are on the great journey from head to heart; from being survival-led to Spirit-led, from needing external gratification for your well-being to being at peace naturally with an inner sense and awareness of your wholeness and your completeness.
This is not easy but it is simple, simply use as many of your in-breaths as you consciously can to be at peace and fully inhabit your being, and as many out-breaths as you can to let go of any thought that would wish to talk you out of your own wellbeing. We have this, everything is under the control of Divine Love.
Divine Love reigns supreme, let it inhabit you, let it move in and take up full residency. Do not be scared, for although it shall light up the darkness within you, as it does it shall embrace any darkness into its light and so make room for more light to shine. Shine on and do not be scared to look into the dark corners, they are simply waiting for the light to embrace them. Let the light do its spring clean; it may need a little water for the trickier areas, so do not fear the tears, let them flow for they are more purifying than you can ever know.
Embrace the light and know that it shines from within. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.